Contact us

Please find our contact details and opening hours below. You can also contact us via our social media channels.


Main phone number: (094) 903 8407.

Outreach phone: (087) 280 4164.

CASTLEBAR (Head Office):

Address: Rock Rose House, 32 St Patrick’s Avenue, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, F23 P659.

Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 9.30am – 5pm.


Mayo Cancer Support is proud to be able to make its services available across the county through the operation of two outreach centres.

The supports available at both outreach centres include complementary therapies and a listening-service while professional counselling is also available by appointment in Ballina.

Achill Outreach Centre

Address: Achill Health Centre, Achill Sound, Co. Mayo, F28 E142.

Opening hours: The third Thursday of every month from 11am to 4pm.

Call: (087) 280 4164.

Ballina Outreach Centre

Address: Turning Tides Wellness Centre, The Quay, Ballina, Co. Mayo F26 DH02.

Opening hours: Tuesdays from 10am to 4pm.

Call: (087) 280 4164.

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